Friday, September 19, 2008

Mwezi a temye engalo e'wakiso

While an IT Manager googled what the role of an IT manager is, another wondered what the role of an ICT department was. Manager my hoof, Uganda has been mbabazi muhwezi temangalo e wakiso odit mukula as blogging seemed endangered.

Breaking bragging is that a Ugandan journalist has been honored. No need to miss guess! The breaks it that it was Andrew Mwenda!
However a clear message could be that journalism is endangered in among countries Uganda, Afghanistan, Cuba, Iraq, and Zimbabwe.

Yours truelly attended Barcampala at Makerere Faculty of Computing and Information technology, hoped to meet IDRC's Kathleen Diga but did not eventually. The next day had a chat over lunch at the Makerere University Guest House with University of Manchester IDPM's Andy Bardeli Danieli and Dr. Duncombe Richard before melting into the Sudan the following day, and later landcruiser hardtopping over 300 Miles along the Juba-Mundri-Maridi road in a world where electricity is non existent, no internet but plenty of rains 10/12.

The excercise of blogging seemed to have a correlation ceteris paribus with a state of the affairs in the mind, emotion, and id, work schedule and kind of work done! Some things should cause a worry! Others being so personal, allow a mention of the public ones: Zimbabwe Africa's Mugabe-Tsangari's governmenting, Uganda's tribalistically riddled cheap politicking, and Sudan ICC's approaching October not to mention managers who have no clue about ICTs and its role.

The message is that normal programming resumes! While you should be experiencing Ramathan, the University of Manchester should be calling. The trade is once again ICTs.

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