Friday, October 27, 2006

Online activity

Well I have finally made it back to the blogsphere and websphere - but at what cost!?

I must say a sorry to all readers of Owerahbits! From the southern part of maridi and my heart am very sorry for neglecting my readership for donkey years! Sincere apologies to Hash of the White African fame for not replying a mail, my new colleagues at AISI E- Discussions: Africa Speaks / African Youth and the Information Society. I shall do right soonest!!

In case you care to know what happened! Well, certain escapades and occurance socially excluded from the blogsphere but for the lighter side none can resist the temptations of the mango indi of Maridi, Southern Sudan - yours prodigal!

Egos are causing bad blood in Southern Sudan! LRA vs UPDF!, Peace Vs Jsutice!, civilians and soldiers! hope is being toyed with in old Kush!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Can you add a link to our company website? That woul dbe cool!

Thanks Henry!